This week was awesome! I don’t have much time left, ummmm,.... We had the wedding of the Anton family. They are a family that we’ve been working with here since like July. They have had tons of problems with trying to get married ever since they decided that they wanted to get baptized. It’s really hard to get married here due to all the papers and tests that you need to do. Despite all the time, they finally got married. It is proof that God does answer prayers and that all the prayers in their behalf were not in vain. I really felt the spirit at their tiny wedding of 7 attendants (and that includes the 2 getting married)! We met with them later that night and as we talked and taught them, we all got to the point of tears just being filled with so much joy for that great culminating accomplishment in their lives. They are such an amazing family!
On my birthday it was awesome. We had interviews with President and then I came home and ate delicious hamburgers and mashed potatoes. It was awesome! I wanted to just take a quick 5 minute rest afterwards, but I ended up sleeping for 45 min. Awesome! Haha. I got a cake from a recent convert family we visited later that day, Felipe and Roxana, and they sang me happy birthday after we shared our message with them. After that we came home and ate more cake from our pensionista. It was so awesome with lots of cake.
This past week I was feeling down and I read my patriarchal blessing and all the letters that you had sent. The long talk from my package about a consecrated missionary really helped me out. Thanks for your thoughts on my patriarchal blessing in one of your letters. That is what reminded me to read it and the spirit really confirmed the truthfulness of it. The promises and blessing that God has in store for me…It was great! General Conference was good, although sadly, I was really tired and my eyes had such a hard time staying open. I was able to hear the messages for the most part, don’t worry. I especially loved the idea of the new scripture every week. It’s something I’m gonna start today (yesterday I forgot). I hope to always keep the Sabbath day holy and remember Christ more throughout the week. I love this gospel. I don’t wanna ever get burned out. I want to be on fire all my life and proclaim the truthfulness of it. It really is hard, but I try and I’m trying to trust in God more every day.
Love you so much. I feel the love of my family always. Give my love to everyone. Know that I was really taken care of and treated well here for my birthday!
Your son, Elder Wilson
It was my birthday on Friday, so they got me a cake, and my comp shoved my face in it! I also crashed after my birthday lunch and took a nice 45 min nap on the couch. it was a great day, and the pic of the missionaries eating is during the sessions of conference, they all came over to eat. Enjoy!
These are pics that my comp had on his camera. This is when I fell asleep after my birthday lunch of hamburgers and mashed potatoes. I was so tired because that morning we had to go to another zone and have interviews with President. We were there from 8 am until 330 pm. Anyway, I got an unexpected 45 minute nap and it was awesome!
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