This week was a good one, I suppose. It was the week of transfers, that’s why I’m writing today (Tuesday). Oh, so luckily, I didn’t get a transfer!! I’m so happy!! I love the area that I’m in and love the family Soria that we live with. I love being here. I didn’t want to leave especially because Christmas is right around the corner. I didn’t get a transfer nor did just about anyone in the whole zone. Just one elder who finished his mission this transfer so he obviously left. It’s not normal to not have transfers, but I’m definitely not complaining! I’ll just have you know that I’m feeling a lot better lately. I’m feeling more excited and encouraged. I just have a better feeling lately.
This week we were able to teach a less active sister that we’ve been visiting for a long time, Milagros. She is living together with her partner (not married), her partner is Adventista, and doesn’t want to get married. She knew that she couldn’t take the sacrament until she got married and for that reason has been skipping Sacrament meeting (coming for the second and third hours of church). We talked to her about that and had a great lesson about the meaning of the Sacrament. We explained how she can reflect on the Atonement in that space of time while it is being passed. She got teary eyed explaining to us the pain that she felt for not being able to participate. We all felt the Spirit that testified to her that she needs to still come to Sacrament meeting especially to help her daughter. She is an amazing sister and she committed to coming to all 3 hours of church. I really love her. She tries so hard in her life to do what’s right. She’s been less active for more than 25 years and she started coming back about 3 or 4 months ago. She is so awesome and it was a great experience for us.
Thanks for the reminder of your testimony of the Atonement. I really enjoy hearing it. Kevin Soria (the new missionary) is the first one from the family. His cousin just finished his mission in Trujillo, the north of Peru. He came home last night. They’re all really excited for that. There are 3 boys in Kevin’s family. He’s the oldest at 17, turning 18 in January. The next one is Juan Carlos, 15, and the last one is Jiampiere, 10. They’re a great family.
I’m excited to hear how thanksgiving went over there. I hope to get pics as well! I’m excited for this Christmas. Excited to share the gospel, this wonderful message with as many people as I can this season and get a fire going inside of me. I don’t want any regrets and I hope to get on a roll! I don’t wanna get to the end of my mission and have regrets for not opening my mouth. It’s one of my biggest fears. So, I’m praying for courage and strength to do so because it’s not an easy thing to do for me. I still feel awkward doing it, but I’m trying to get better at contacting in the street!
Love you so much mom. I would like to invite you to see the new Christmas video initiative that the church has for this year. Just like last year was “He Is The Gift”, this year it’s called “A Savior Is Born”. The video is really simple, but really cool. Look it up! I’m excited to get lots of letters this week as sometimes they get a little backed up at the mission office. But, no worries.
Elder Wilson
Last week for P-Day on Monday we watched a movie called “Amazing Grace” (movie about an Englishman in 1790 or so that wanted to abolish slavery in England). It’s one of the only movies that’s approved for us to watch by our mission president that isn’t from the church. Naturally, we watched it. It was really interesting. I’m pretty sure I had already seen it at one point in a high school history class or something. Also, we ate a food that’s typical from the mountains of Peru called Pachamanca. I didn’t find very delicious but I finished it... Also, for Thanksgiving I had been telling my pensionista that I was gonna get recipes from Mom for like 3 weeks straight. Even the days before Thanksgiving I had told her that I now had all the recipes to make some stuff. When Thanksgiving finally came around, I don’t know if it’s because she didn’t think that I was serious, but she ended up making us normal Peruvian food. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not upset with her nor do I blame her, but it was funny that Thanksgiving came around, and it was like nothing had ever happened. Haha. I’m over it. As night time, my comp, being as awesome as he is, remembered, and bought a whole bunch of treats and surprised me with the attached foto of our Thanksgiving feast! That made me happy :)
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